"One of the brightest talents emerging is a young comedic
actress, Madison Brunoehler, well worth writing about for her acting
ability alone, but the fact that she is skilled in costumes and make-up,
and produces, edits and directs her own show every week makes her an
absolute juggernaut of talent."
Yep! That's what David Carus said about me in this incredible article on ArtistsRunThisPlanet.com.
Check out the full article here: http://www.artistsrunthisplanet.com/4/post/2014/01/madison-brunoehler-madi-2-the-max.html
Feel free to share the article with your friends, relatives, pets, random strangers and people that you meet while waiting in line at the grocery store. Oh yes, and let David Carus know that you agree with him by sending him an email: david@davidcarus.net.